평화영성, 평화교육

'동아시아에서 남아시아와 태평양까지 군사주의에 저항(Resisting Militarization From East Asia t…

센터알리미 0 3,214 2021.12.22 14:18

St. Francis Peace Center Foundation hosted an English-language online course titled “Resisting Militarization From East Asia to South Asia and the Pacific” from Oct. 15/16 to Dec. 3/4. In April-May, a similar online course delved deeply into the histories of resistance against militarization in Jeju Island and the Northeast Asia region. Building on this experience of informative presentations, rich discussions, and strengthened solidarity networks, we decided to continue the program. Kaia Vereide, an international peace activist supported by the Center, facilitated the 7 weekly sessions. Each week, a speaker gave a 30 minute presentation about resistance to militarization in their region, and 19 participants with diverse backgrounds and ages joined in small group discussions and full group Q&A times. 


Five of the speakers gave permission to share publicly their presentations:

 1. What has the Militarization of Guahan Meant for the US's ‘Tip of the Spear’? -Lisa Linda Natividad, professor at the University of Guam, Guahan Coalition for Peace and Justice, I Hagan Famalao'an Guahan, Inc., Oct. 15/16: https://youtu.be/2GfYURhwZZY 

 2. US pivot towards Asia, the Sri Lankan Unitary State and Tamil Resistance to Militarization -Jude Lal Fernando, scholar/ activist, professor at the University of Dublin and Coordinator of the Peoples’ Tribunal on Sri Lanka, Nov. 5/6: https://youtu.be/YgH9FcVIlvg 

 3. Putting South Asian Militarism in Context -Radha D’Souza, professor at the School of Law, University of Westminster, critical scholar, social justice activist, barrister and writer from India, Nov. 19/20: https://youtu.be/-CWcFzLvq4o 

 4. Aotearoa New Zealand, Peaceful Pacific island or part of the problem? -Liz Remmerswaal, World Beyond War, Pacific Peace Network, Nov. 26/27: https://youtu.be/oXbLhkuc3rk 

 5. The nature and origins of Australian militarism and some recent moves to oppose it -Nick Deane, Independent and Peaceful Australia Network, Dec. 3/4: https://youtu.be/4J1GbgIM9m4 


10월 16일부터 12월 4일까지 성 프란치스코 평화센터가 “동아시아에서 남아시아와 태평양까지 군사주의에 저항”(Resisting Militarization From East Asia to South Asia and the Pacific) 이라는 영어로 진행된 온라인 수업을 주최했습니다. 상반기에 “제주와 동북아시아의 군사주의에 저항”이라는 프로그램을 진행했을 때 반응이 좋아서 하반기에도 이어서 같은 맥락의 프로그램을 진행 했습니다. 센터 소속 국제 활동가 카야 뷔레이디 (Kaia Vereide)가 7주 동안 세미나를 진행했습니다. 매주 다른 발언자가 자기지역에서의 군사주의 저항에 관해서 30분 강연하고, 나머지 시간에 19명의 다양한 참가자들이 소그룹 대화와 질의 응답하는 시간을 가졌습니다.




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