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The Kings Bay Plowshares

센터알리미 0 4,594 2020.12.31 14:47


아래 글은 저희 센터 비상근 실무자인 카레(닉네임,미국국적)가 미국 가톨릭 워크스들의 평화활동에 관해서 쓴 글 입니다. 2018년, 그들은 미국 조지아주에 있는 "Kings Bay" 핵 잠수함 기지에 들어간 혐의로 사법처리 되었습니다. 아래 글에서 나오는 Martha Hennessy 는 몇 년 전에 강정에 다녀갔던 분이며, 도로시 데이의 손녀 이기도 합니다. 


The Kings Bay Plowshares


Seven Catholic activists entered the Kings Bay nuclear submarine base in Georgia, USA, on Apr. 4, 2018, following the prophet Isaiahs command to beat swords into plowshares.” The base is home to 8 submarines equipped to use Trident nuclear missiles, which are capable of striking anywhere on the planet within 15 minutes with a nuclear blast thousands of times bigger than the bombing of Hiroshima. The plowshares activists entered the base with an indictment against the United States government for the continued possession and threat to use nuclear weapons, in violation of international law. They used hammers, crime scene tape, bottles of their own blood and banners to “attempt to convert [the] weapons of mass destruction.” They stated their conviction that “as white Catholics, we take responsibility to atone for the horrific crimes stemming from our complicity” with what Martin Luther King, Jr. called the “giant triplets of racism, extreme materialism, and militarism.” They carried out their action on the fiftieth anniversary of his assassination.


On June 8 this year Liz McAlister, widow of fellow activist Philip Berrigan, was sentenced to time served (17 months). On Oct. 15, Father Steve Kelly (SJ) was sentenced to 33 months imprisonment and on Oct. 16, Patrick O’Neill was sentenced to 14 months. On Nov. 12, Carmen Trotta was sentenced to 14 months, and Clare Grady was sentenced to one year and one day. The following day, Martha Hennessy was sentenced to 10 months imprisonment.


Martha follows in the footsteps of her grandmother Dorothy Day, founder of the Catholic worker movement, and she also found motivation from visiting Gangjeong. At her sentencing she stated, “We spurn God’s love and misplace it when we rely on nuclear weapons to force our will on the globe. […] My participation in community, care of the poor, and my Catholic faith led to my discernment process for participating in nuclear disarmament. It is our obligation to speak out when we feel our faith is being violated when we are forced to accept, pay for, and worship the nuclear arsenal.” She also asked the court to take into account the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons which comes into force on Jan. 22.


Martha and Carmen each reported to federal prisons near their homes on Dec. 14. Patrick O’Neill and Clare Grady report to prison in Jan. and Feb., respectively. In mid-December, Fr. Steve Kelly finished his 33 month term and was transferred to Washington State for violating his probation from trespassing at the nuclear submarine base there. Marc Colville’s sentencing has been delayed until Feb. 19. More information and instructions for writing letters can be found at kingsbayplowshares7.org



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